M.’s Review
I like Skittles. I have been known to consume a bag of them from time to time. Drinking this stuff doesn’t really elicit a “Skittles vibe” on my palate – whatever that vibe may be. No, this 1950s Space Age style of beverage construction evokes astronauts and Tang advertisements – it’s a novelty – think the “just add water” gag of ACME products in a Looney Tunes cartoon and you’ve got the right idea. It’s no wonder that this sort of thing would come out on the market while we’re flinging flaming trash cans into space over Los Angeles. This is the progeny of fruit punch and chemical neorealism – it’s tasty enough and I would drink this again to finish out the box, but I probably wouldn’t seek it out.
Afton’s Review
First, they don’t taste like Skittles so the “handful of Skittles” flavor advertised on the box is a lie. 0/10 accuracy.
Second, these are delicious. They taste like nothing that has ever grown on this planet, which I suspect is why the flavor is described not as “fruit punch” but rather as “original punch.” It is truly original. 10/10 taste.
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